Painting glassware is often a challenge. Many paints do not cover with the first coat so multiple coats of paint are required. Between these coats, most glassware artists wait 30 minutes or more. That is necessary so that your paint completely dries before you paint the next layer, otherwise, the layer or layers below might crack. So, painting glassware takes some time. The easiest way to accomplish this is to be painting several items at the same time, somewhat like a production line. I might paint some leaves on a wine glass, the move to the next glass and paint the leaves, then the next and so forth. By the time I have painted all the leaves on the glasses, the paint on the first glass is dry and I can start the second layer. Some of my glassware have as many as 10 colors and and/or layers.
That is what takes so long when you are painting on glass. You must build the layers unless you want the transparent look which is OK is that is what you are looking for. Some paints are actually designed for a beautiful transparent look.
Also, glassware must be washed with hot soapy water to remove any hand oil or production oils from the glassware. My next step is to dry the glassware carefully trying to leave as little lint as possible. Then I wipe the glassware with alcohol to make sure that I have removed any oils from the glass.
After I have completed painting my glassware, I cure it in the oven for durability. Most of the paints that we use for glassware state is upper level dishwasher safe however, I recommend to all my customers that hand painted glassware be hand washed to protect the design. After many years of painting on glassware, I know that putting these in the dishwasher is safe. A couple of times times I have had to remove something I have painted after it dried. I soaked the glass for a long time in very hot water then had to use a razor blade to scrape off the paint. It did not come off easily!!!
To all my customers who have purchased glassware from me, I truly appreciate the business and I hope that you enjoy your glassware. It is not something that I quickly paint and move on as you can see from the process. It takes time to create painted glassware but the end result is worth it. I love painting on glassware, especially wine glasses.
That is what takes so long when you are painting on glass. You must build the layers unless you want the transparent look which is OK is that is what you are looking for. Some paints are actually designed for a beautiful transparent look.
Also, glassware must be washed with hot soapy water to remove any hand oil or production oils from the glassware. My next step is to dry the glassware carefully trying to leave as little lint as possible. Then I wipe the glassware with alcohol to make sure that I have removed any oils from the glass.
After I have completed painting my glassware, I cure it in the oven for durability. Most of the paints that we use for glassware state is upper level dishwasher safe however, I recommend to all my customers that hand painted glassware be hand washed to protect the design. After many years of painting on glassware, I know that putting these in the dishwasher is safe. A couple of times times I have had to remove something I have painted after it dried. I soaked the glass for a long time in very hot water then had to use a razor blade to scrape off the paint. It did not come off easily!!!
To all my customers who have purchased glassware from me, I truly appreciate the business and I hope that you enjoy your glassware. It is not something that I quickly paint and move on as you can see from the process. It takes time to create painted glassware but the end result is worth it. I love painting on glassware, especially wine glasses.