Friday, November 26, 2010

Judy Moses - Fine Art

Judy Moses - Fine Art

Uploaded some additional photos today to Fine Art America.  Black Friday and I probably should be shopping for Christmas but I am home still nursing my shoulder.  Trying to paint a little and clean up my work area...that's a job!  Yesterday I gave my original Santa portrait to my nephew.  He is a Santa collector.  Apparently, he really liked the portrait and so did everyone else.  It really makes you feel good to do something for someone else who appreciates what you do.  I am working on another Santa portrait that I might display at Charlotte Metrolina above Kathy's fireplace.  I would certainly like to sell some of my paintings so I need to keep reading and working on how to promote my art.

I have more paintings that I probably should give away.  Maybe I will work on some and get ready for Christmas.  I need to work on Christmas Cards as I have made those for years.  Lots of things to do before the holidays.   So much to do, so little time.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Working on my Art...Slowly

Since my surgery, I have made good progress toward recovery according to the doctor and PT.  Unfortunately, it is a long road to full recovery, about 12 weeks.  I have been working in both oil and acrylic...trying to paint with left hand.

Over the last couple of weeks, I have worked on a portrait of a beautiful brown horse.  I really know very little about horses, except they are beautiful creatures.  The portrait that I did is from a photo that was taken by an internet friend.  I think that the portrait is coming along nicely however, it still needs some work.  Still needs some highlights and work on the mane.  So far, I feel good about what I have created in oils.  I would like to get some commissions to paint.

I have also painted, all in oils, portraits of a brown Labrador (our grand dog), cocker spaniel, German Shepard, and  still working on a long haired dog.  I originally painted the cocker spaniel in acrylics but did not like the result so I repainted in oils.  I like the look much better. As I look at each portrait, I can see that each one needs some work...we are our own worst critic but that is how we improve our work.  I posted photos of each portrait to Facebook.

In December, I have scheduled an acrylic landscape class at Michaels.   I also worked on a sample for that class.

Maybe I will have time to work on these again today.

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Quiet Day at Home Today after Busy Weekend at Metrolina

Monday is usually a busy day.  Today was not any different for me.  After a busy weekend at Charlotte Metrolina Expo with no sales and spending all day Sunday moving our "stuff" from two+  booths into one booth I am very tired.  That was a very long sentence.  I talked with many people this weekend about pet portraits however, no commissions yet.  I have determined that the time actually sitting at the easel painting is the best way to interest in a portrait.  Like most new ventures, so far my partner and I have lost money.  We have only a few more months in the lease.  Our sales over the next weeks and months will determine if we renew the lease.  Very discouraging.  Maybe we will have some good sales next weekend and be encouraged again. Lots of people admire my glassware but no one has made a purchase.  Keeping our fingers crossed for next weekend.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My First Experiences and Getting Started

As with many of my friends, I am a self taught artist.  Throughout my life, I have been attracted to arts and crafts.  During my teens and early twenties, I cooked and did a lot of sewing.  Looking back now, the only painting that I did was a paint-by-numbers kitten that my Mother and Dad had framed and which hung in their house until Mother finally had to sell the house and move closer to us.  Now I wonder what happened to that "painting".  I have often dabbled in painting doing props for performances at school and church.

Many years ago, I bought some rubber stamps and began making my own greeting cards then I got into scrapbooking and have numerous books put together.  That is a wonderful way to be creative and relive those memories.  I haven't had much time to scrapbook lately but have lots of pictures organized along with huge amounts of paper, stickers, ribbon, and tools just waiting for my hands.

In 2004 I actually created my first "painting" in acrylics.  After going back to college, I was told that I had to do some hands on art as part of the curriculum.  After much discussion with my professor, we decided that I should walk outside and take a photo of what I saw then try to paint it.  I did and now I look back and see how bad it was.  Although the painting is framed and hanging on the wall today, I still look at it and think that I am glad that I can do better now.